!!!STAY TUNED!!! 2026 - (Lievito Madre Liquido) Liquid Yeast Savoury Panettone by Taiwan Chef Pike Yang (楊世均師傅)
Lievito Madre Liquido Savoury Panettone Class by TW Chef Pike Yang (楊世均師傅)
Date : 2026
Time : 9:00am - 5:30pm
Course Method : Interactive demonstration & hands-on class
Class Menu :
- 糖漬鳳梨+豬火腿 Candied Pineapple + Pork Ham
- 糖漬莓果+牛火腿 Candied Berries + Beef Ham
- 糖漬橘子+燻雞火腿 Candied Orange + Smoked Chicken Ham
*** Students can bring home 400g finished product of each flavour.
- For students who do not eat pork or beef, please let us know in advance. We will prepare additional ingredients so they can bring home a product of a different flavour.
Chef's Background :
Chef Yang opened two Brave Artisan Bakery locations in his hometown of Guanmiao and at the Changrong branch in Tainan, both of which have been warmly received by local residents. In 2017, he also published a book titled "Not just Baking, Happiness Bread", sharing his expertise and passion for artisanal bread.
In 2024, Chef Yang participated in the Taiwan Qualifiers for the Panettone World Championship. To ensure market appeal, this competition organizers invited a wide panel of everyday consumers to serve as public judges before the final round. On the day of the finals, the judges assessed the Panettone from multiple perspectives, including flavor, taste, and presentation, to identify those that were professional, delicious, and highly popular. With repeated tasting and careful observation, each entry strove to shine in front of the public jury. After nearly an hour of judging, Chef Maurizio Bonanomi, the champion of the 2023 World Christmas Bread Cup, personally announced the winners and presented the awards. The Popularity Award went to chef Pike Yang, head chef of Brave Artisan Bakery.
麵包冠軍 / 布雷夫手作烘焙 Chef楊世均
杨师傅在家乡关庙和台南长荣开了两家手工面包店,都受到了当地居民的热烈欢迎。2017 年,他还出版了《不只是烘焙,欧式面包手作全書》一书,分享他对手工面包的专业与热情。
2024 年,杨师傅参加了 Panettone 世界锦标赛台湾预选赛。为确保市场吸引力,主办方在决赛前邀请了众多一般消费者担任大众评委。决赛当天,评委们从风味、口感、摆盘等多角度对 Panettone 进行了评判,最终评选出了专业、美味、人气高的 Panettone。经过反复品尝和仔细观察,每个参赛作品都力争在大众评委面前大放异彩。经过近一个小时的评审,2023 年世界圣诞面包杯冠军主厨 Maurizio Bonanomi 亲自宣布了获奖名单并颁奖。最佳人气奖由 Brave Artisan Bakery 的主厨 Pike Yang 获得。
[得獎經歷 ]
第 38 屆 全國技能競賽麵包製作 南區 冠軍
第 38 屆 全國技能競賽麵包製作 全國冠軍
第 40 屆 國際技能競賽麵包製作 國手選拔金牌
中餐/西餐/ 調酒/ 烘焙麵包 丙級
烘焙 蛋糕麵包西點 乙級
美國小麥協會 麵包課程—技術講師
[ 店鋪經歷 ]
[ 講師 & 顧問 ]
Class Type :
Maximum of 16 participants.
The class will be conducted in Mandarin, and the English recipes provided.
Demonstration by Chef & participants followed by hands-on session
Venue :
Blk 213 Henderson Road, #03-07, Singapore 159553