Ever since Chef Pike Yang first watched Cooking Master Boy in elementary school, a "chef's spirit" has lived within him. With the support and encouragement of his parents and university professors, he devoted himself wholeheartedly to refining his skills throughout his studies. In an international selection competition, he consistently ranked first from the preliminary rounds, advancing all the way to the finals. Over a grueling five-day final round, he emerged as the champion in the Bread-Making category at the 38th National Skills Competition, competing among nearly 100 contestants nationwide. He also went on to win the Gold Medal in the national selection for the 40th International Skills Competition.
In 2024, Chef Yang participated in the Taiwan Qualifiers for the Panettone World Championship. To ensure market appeal, this competition organizers invited a wide panel of everyday consumers to serve as public judges before the final round. On the day of the finals, the judges assessed the Panettone from multiple perspectives, including flavor, taste, and presentation, to identify those that were professional, delicious, and highly popular. With repeated tasting and careful observation, each entry strove to shine in front of the public jury. After nearly an hour of judging, Chef Maurizio Bonanomi, the champion of the 2023 World Christmas Bread Cup, personally announced the winners and presented the awards. The Popularity Award went to chef Pike Yang, head chef of Brave Artisan Bakery.
楊世均師傅自從小學看過「中華一番」之後,心裡就已經住著一個廚師魂。在獲得父母及大學教授的支持與鼓勵之下,他求學期間不斷的努力精迸, 在國際選拔賽從初賽就一直以第一名進決賽,ㄧ連5天的決賽中從全國約100名選手中得到第38屆全國技能競賽麵包職組冠軍,並且也取得了第40屆國際技能競賽國手選拔金牌賞。
在2024,楊師傅參加了世界盃聖誔麵包大賽台灣選拔賽,這場比賽為了顧及市場性,大會在決賽前廣邀一般消費者來擔任大眾評審團,於決賽日當天就聖誕麵包的風味、口味與呈現外觀多方向進行評選出專業、美味、高人氣的聖誕麵包。反覆咀嚼品嚐、仔細觀察,所有參賽作品在大眾評審團前努力發光發亮,歷經近1小時評選,最終是由2023年世界盃聖誕麵包大賽冠軍隊 CHEF MAURIZIO BONANOMI 親自揭曉得主並頒獎,
最佳人氣獎得主(布雷夫 手作烘焙)主廚楊世均 (Pike Yang)。
麵包冠軍 / 布雷夫手作烘焙 Chef楊世均
[得獎經歷 ]
第 38 屆 全國技能競賽麵包製作 南區 冠軍
第 38 屆 全國技能競賽麵包製作 全國冠軍
第 40 屆 國際技能競賽麵包製作 國手選拔金牌
中餐/西餐/ 調酒/ 烘焙麵包 丙級
烘焙 蛋糕麵包西點 乙級
美國小麥協會 麵包課程—技術講師
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