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CLASS (Oct 14 & 15, 2016) : Taiwan Master Baking Chef Series - Part 1 (CHEF WU)

Amy Ho

Taiwan Master Baking Chef Series - Part 1

Chef Wu will be in Singapore on 14th and 15th of October conducting demo bread making class to show baking enthusisits some very popular Taiwanese & Japanese style breads.
吴宗谚老师 (朵拉烘焙小舖 主厨) 将于10月14日及15日为新加坡烘焙同好带来麵包示範课程,老師將會示範多種台灣及日本流行的各式麵包!

Please see class details here~
Specially flew in from Taiwan, Chef Ian Wu (吴宗谚师傅)
will be conducting the following BREAD DEMO classes:

Time: 14th October 2016 (Friday) 9:30am- 1:30pm
Class Menu:
1. Darjeeling Earl Grey Infused Bread with Black Cherry and Almond Butter (大吉岭伯爵茶黑樱桃麵包夹杏仁奶油馅)
2. Taiwan Satay Sauce Fusion Bread with Sauteed Beef (沙茶牛肉面包)
3. Savory German Sausage Rolls (德式香肠面包捲)
4. Garden Veggie Focaccia (田园佛卡夏)
Fee: $180.00 Per Pax
** Early Bird Special: 10% discount if registered by 30th of September 2016.

Time: 15th October 2016 (Saturday) 9:30am- 1:30pm
Class Menu:
1. Blue Pea (Bunga Telang) Honey Round Bun (蝶豆花蜂蜜丁圆面包)
2. Chili Flatbread with Cheddar Cheese (辣椒起司薄饼)
3. Deluxe Bacon and Cheese Onion Bread (培根起士洋葱面包)
4. Spicy Tuna Bread with Golden Corn (椒香鲔鱼玉米面包)
Fee: $180.00 Per Pax
**Early Bird Special: 10% discount if registered by 30th of September 2016.

TO REGISTER, PLEASE SMS/What’s App @ 8486-6056

CLASS VENUE: Creative Culinaire the School, 17 Eng Hoon St, #01-03/04, Singapore 169767

** Chef Ian Wu is the founder of renowned Dora Bakery in Tao-Yuan, Taiwan.
** The class will be conducted in Mandarin, with partial English translations.
** Each participant will receive one FREE pack of Blue Jacket Brand Flour after class.

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