Chef Katsumi Wu (吴克己老师)
Well-known Taiwan Baking Master Chef, Best-Selling Author, & The Founder of Boulangerie K
Class Menu:
- Garden Veggie Cheese Bread (The “Ugliest” bread in the world) 野菜乳酪面包(世界上最丑的面包)
- Cheese Onion Toast (Signature Toast in Taiwan Popular Bakery) 洋葱乳酪吐司(台湾人气面包店的标准款吐司)
- Black Olives with Bacon Bread (Special bread without final proofing) 黑橄榄培根毛豆(无需 最后发酵的特色面包)
- Anchovy Onion Bones (Signature Bread from well-known Taipei Bakery) 鯷鱼洋葱大骨头 (台北知名面包店代表商品)
Fees : S$150/Pax @ TOTT (Dunearn) Demo Studio
What the fee includes:
Recipes, Dine on all the demonstrated items, each participant will receive one pack of Taiwan Premium Blue Jacket Brand Flour.
When: 5 February 2017
Where: 896 Dunearn Road, Singapore 589472
Time: 1pm - 5pm Sunday
Description: Chef Katsumi Wu will be using the Ankarsrum Assistent Original Mixer to show baking enthusiasts - the popular style of breads in Taiwan Cafes & Bakery, he will also be introducing the cold fermentation method as well.
Type: Demonstration by Chef Katsumi Wu and the class will be conducted in Mandarin
To register for class, please kindly contact
Amy Ho / SAAC Trading
SMS/WhatsApp : +65-91810356
Email :